LIMITATIONSLive-In CareVisiting CareCare HomesAdjusting to a carerbeing in your homeShort visits do notalways enable deeprooted relationshipsStress and upheaval ofleaving a much-loved homeA spare room is neededYou will not be guaranteedthe same carersLeaving a loved communityHome modificationsmay be requiredNo care and supportduring the nightLoss of family petsHome maintenancestill requiredVisiting carers increasechances of CoronavirustransmissionMoving all yourpossessions intoone roomShort visits do notallow for quality careof complex conditionsFamily home sold to paycare home fees leavingnothing for the familyCare team ratios one carer will be lookingImposed routines life is driven by fixeddaily patterns (waking,eating, socialising)Higher rates of hospitaladmissions and infections,including CoronavirusNot getting on withother residents8
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