Mercuria CSR Report 2020 - Flipbook - Page 69
For the emissions related to our offices and to our travels, we improved both the method and granularity of the
data being used. For travel we incorporated data considering public transport (0.02 tCO2e), meals while traveling
(58 tCO2e), car rentals and taxis (99 tCO2e), hotel stays (112 tCO2e), and air travel (60’910 tCO2e). For emissions
related to our offices, we gathered material on a full range of office consumption metrics including water (16 tCO2e),
supplies (251 tCO2e) commuting distance driven (291 tCO2e), electricity utilized within the offices (596 tCO2e),
rubbish generation (1’728 tCO2e), paper consumption (2’161 tCO2e), and so on. This yielded a total estimate of
5’043 tCO2e for the overall offices footprint. Emissions tied to commuting are estimated to contribute roughly 5.9%
to the offices’ footprint whereas the waste and paper amounted to more than 77% of the emissions. In the broader
offices and travel category, the principal sources of emissions were air travel (92%).
Offices/Travels Emissions(66'222 tCO2e)
Business Travels