BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 67
Collection Procedures for Ushers
KEY: Separation of contribution baskets is critical, as is the active, dual control of collections at
all times by at least two ushers, until placed into tamper-evident bags, numbered, signed and
placed in drop safe.
BASKETS: Offertory and Second Collection baskets (in pew and consolidated) should possess
an easily discernable difference (color, size, shape, etc.) so no confusion can occur by
parishioners and Ushers when handling these baskets.
SEPARATION: There should be clear separation (at least two pew rows) between the offertory
baskets and second collection baskets when being passed at collection time during liturgies. This
will ensure people’s contributions support the intention of their gift.
INDIVIDUAL CONSOLIDATED BASKETS: There should be one Usher responsible for
holding the consolidated offertory collection basket and the consolidated second collection
basket that are both brought forward with the gifts of bread and wine from the community.
CONSOLIDATE COLLECTIONS: Each Usher that is responsible for a collection area of the
church should, upon completion, immediately proceed to the Minister holding the consolidated
basket(s) and place all in pew collections into the appropriate consolidated basket(s) being sure
to keep offertory and second collections separated. Therefore, two people will always be present
when moving collections from in pew baskets to the consolidated basket(s).
DELIVERY OF CONSOLIDATED COLLECTIONS: Consolidated contribution basket(s)
should be brought forward with the gifts of bread and wine and presented to the celebrant.
PRIEST CONTROL: The celebrant will