mSP Firm Profile 2024 - Portfolio - Page 64
The Project Coordinator is responsible for managing all communication and
project material flow in an efficient and consistent manner, and managing on-site
construction activities. The key focus of our project coordinator is to address
the routine tasks reliably to allow our project manager to engage with the more
critical collaborative tasks to proactively remove downstream challenges and
empower the entire project team to deliver a successful project.
Critical responsibilities include:
Project document control (BlueBeam, DropBox and eBuilder)
Project meeting coordina琀椀on and communication
Project meeting agendas and minutes
Project schedule management
Project construction review and management
Project construction cost management
Project construction schedule management
The Project Financial Analyst is responsible for managing inhouse administrative and financial project activities and tasks
in an efficient and consistent manner. The key focus of our
financial project coordinator is to address the routine inhouse project financial tasks reliably to allow our on-site
project management team to engage with the more critical
collaborative tasks to proactively remove downstream
challenges and empower the entire project team to
deliver a successful project. Critical responsibilities
Program administra琀椀ve and financial
document control (DropBox, eBuilder)
Program purchase order/invoice
management and 昀氀ow
Program 昀椀nancial budget forecas琀椀ng
Program document control (BlueBeam,
DropBox and eBuilder)
The Project Consultant is responsible for the
interac琀椀on with the project management
team and the design and construc琀椀on
team, facilita琀椀ng the peer review
and oversight of the architectural/
engineering and commissioning of
the building design and construc琀椀on
process. Critical responsibilities
Architecture peer review
and oversight
MEP Engineering/
Cx peer review and
Houston Commuity College West Houston