PPLI Primary Guidelines REVISED EDITION - Flipbook - Page 6
Language and Languages in the Primary School Some guidelines for teachers by David Little and Déirdre Kirwan
According to the consultation that informed Languages Connect, “It is difficult for students from
immigrant communities to maintain their languages without additional supports including
qualified teachers who are registered with the Teaching Council”. 5 The experience that
informs these guidelines shows, however, that it is possible for pupils from immigrant
families to transfer the literacy skills they develop in English and Irish to their HLs
It is important to
add that respect for and
affirmation of home languages
without the benefit of explicit instruction at school. 6
is a precondition for
The guidelines are divided into two parts. Part I deals with issues of general principle,
social cohesion
while Part II outlines an approach to language education in primary schools that is
informed by those issues.
Pupils' reflections on the many benefits of including home languages in their education
Victoria told me that in her former school you were
When I use my home language in class, I have a smile
not allowed to speak your own language.
on my face, I feel excited, I feel like I really want to do it
I found that very shocking
Sometimes when we learn a language it’s easier to
Don’t hide away from your own language because it’s
learn other ones; sometimes it’s not really about which
what makes you you, and it’s special and it’s, … it’s like
language you’re learning, it’s how to learn a language
having an arm or a leg, you can’t take it away from you
It’s great because at a very young age you can … learn
A child without a language is a child without a soul
from each other … and just to be able to say that I
went to a school that supports all different languages
Using our home languages helps us to get personal
and cultures is a great thing to have.
into each other’s cultures and languages; it’s very
useful for friendship, for knowledge, so in many ways
When two people speak the same language
we’re all expanding… it makes you feel closer because
there’s a kind of bond between
you have a perspective on that person’s point of view
both of them
Languages Connect, p. 17
Scoil Bhríde’s version of plurilingual education is fully documented in Engaging with Linguistic Diversity: A Study of Educational Inclusion in an Irish
Primary School, by David Little and Déirdre Kirwan, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019; paperback edition, 2021.
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