EC-impact-report-2023-final1 - Flipbook - Page 6
A letter
from our
Board Chair
As a career executive recruiter, I have the
good fortune to know and be connected to
thousands of people around the country. When I
announced on LinkedIn in January that I was the
new Board Chair of Experience Camps, it gave
me the opportunity to talk about Experience
Camps and our mission, again and again, dozens
of times, to people who had never heard of us.
Just this week, a client called to tell me how
his best friend’s wife had just died of cancer,
leaving four young children without their
mother. He knew of my work at Experience
Camps and hoped that I would have some
helpful grief tips and recommendations.
I told him about our no-cost, week-long camps
for grieving kids, and the wealth of grief
resources on our website that offer all kinds
of strategies, especially for caregivers who
are doing their best to navigate their own grief
while having hard conversations with their
children. My client is thrilled to now be able
to offer his best friend a resource to help his
children cope with the death of their mother.