18TH EDITION - BS 7671 IET WIRIING REGULATIONSAlthough the BS 7671 can be a hard book to navigate, our course hasbeen designed in such a way as to ensure that you will have theknowledge to identify and find the topics covered in each of therelevant parts of the book.Why choose this course?Even if you have completed an NVQ level 3 or similar award or even aprevious version of the wiring regulations, you will still have to proveyou are conversant in the current standards. Keeping up to date withthe latest wiring regulations satisfies these requirements.ContentThis course is designed to bring you up to speed with all the latest 18thEdition wiring regulations, including all the latest amendments. You willlearn all the key regulations that you will find in day-to-day installations, as well as understand how to reference your regs book for themore obscure ones.ExamThe course culminates in an open book multiple choice exam. This is a2-hour exam where you are asked 60 questions. These are multiplechoices and on average this allows 2 minutes to answer each question.As this is an open book exam you may take your copy of the BS7671book into the exam.0800 037 1572Page 6
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