BC’S TOP EMPLOYERS (2025)57SPONSOR CONTENT50weeks, maternity andparental leave top-up payprojects. Four teams of seven withexperience in areas such as policy,legal and operations, as well asproducts and technology, took totheir task. It was a competitionto see which team would comeup with the most beneficial andachievable solution.“We had a lot of fun solvingserious business challenges,”says Thomas. Sprout, thetwo-day hackathon, took placelast November and next stepsare being implemented for thewinning project.“At LandSure, if you ask for helpyou will get it,” says Thomas. “Ihave the support to do what isneeded. And I appreciate beingable to work on something thathas a positive social impact.”“We’re always looking for newways to improve our services inthe public interest,” says Mitchell.“There is a mindset to learn and tohelp others to learn.” 35weeks, adoption leavetop-up pay$600mental healthpractitioner benefit Vipin Thomas, technical delivery lead, at LandSure Systems.100%job-related tuition subsidies
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