Mercuria CSR Report 2020 - Flipbook - Page 56
We have been consistent since the inception of
We are also actively supporting investments in a
Mercuria with our expectation that all our business
number of projects as part of the furtherance of the
would be conducted in a manner that complies both
transition towards renewable sources of power.
with applicable local regulations, and in a manner that
particular, we are supporting several ventures engaged
is consistent with international laws and regulations as
in efforts that will deploy industrial level, distributed
well as our own high standards.
generation resources (primarily solar) coupled with
commercial battery storage systems that can capture
Through recognition of the continuing development
and store energy for resupply to the grid during periods
of the energy mix and the need to progress the energy
of higher demand.
transition, we are developing and putting in place
measures to accurately assess and quantify the impact
Below are a list of some of our assets and investments
of our business on the global environment. While we see
that we see as contributing to the future transformation
our role in continuing to help meet immediate and real-
of the energy sector.
time energy needs, we also are looking for measures
we can implement to both reduce direct impact from
our operations; as well as helping to develop and
promote future sources of energy and the distribution
infrastructure which we see as being core to the future
transformation of the energy sector.