SASKATCHEWAN’S TOP EMPLOYERS (2025)Kristina Leung, managing editor ofCanada’s Top 100 Employers, notesemployers have adopted perks andpolicies to appeal to younger generationscoming into the workforce. “They want tohave more flexibility. They want to havethe ability to work from home and theyexpect their employers to be a little bitmore in touch with their values, so havingcommunity programs with opportunitiesto give back, and being a purpose-drivenorganization, are important for thosegenerations.”That philosophy is evident at first-timeSaskatchewan Top Employer CroptimisticTechnology Inc. The Saskatoon-basedtech firm is dedicated to optimizing cropmanagement at home and abroad. All 75employees work from home, includingone in Australia and one in the UnitedStates.“They want to do good in the world andthat is something they feel they can do byworking here,” says Nadine Genest,Croptimistic’s human resources manager.“It’s a big attractor for many of ouremployees.”At the University of Saskatchewan,located in Saskatoon — a frequent winnerof the Saskatchewan’s Top Employerscompetition — human resources directorKeiran Killick points to multipleopportunities for career developmentwithin the organization, including freetuition to obtain a university degree.For Killick, participating in the annualTop Employers competition “gives us thechance to showcase the university, notonly as a top university to teach, learn andconduct research, but also as an excellentplace to work.”Genest sees recognition of Croptimisticas important for another reason. “Fillingout the application helps you tell the storyof what you’re trying to do. This recognition validates that we’re making gooddecisions and we’re on the right path.”Whether you’re the University ofSaskatchewan, with over 6,000 faculty andstaff, or Croptimistic, with 75 employees,there are many reasons for participating inthe annual competition. In the words ofLeung, “One of the best things about theproject is that it spotlights organizationsthat put their people first.”This story was created by Content Works,Postmedia’s commercial content division, onbehalf of Saskatchewan’s Top Employers.MCDOUGALLCont. A proud employee at McDougall Gauley LLP celebrates their colleague receiving their Canadian citizenship.CROPTIMISTICALWAYS IMPROVING5 Saskatoon-based Croptimistic Technology provides experts with quick access to data from the field.
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