BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 5
Corporate Structure: Each parish in the Archdiocese of Atlanta is structured as a corporation.
Since parish schools are part of the parish under canon law, they are included in the
incorporation. Catholic Education of North Georgia, Inc, which includes two high schools, three
elementary schools, and one k-12 school, is also incorporated. Each corporation has a Board of
Directors consisting of: the Archbishop, Chairman; the Vicar General, Vice Chairman; and the
pastor (or administrator) of the parish, President. The Chancellor of the Archdiocese serves at
the corporate secretary. The pastor should designate a qualified lay person to serve as the
corporate treasurer. To name an official treasurer, follow the guidelines Naming of a Treasurer
for Parish Corporations Parish Corporations - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta | Atlanta,
GA (archatl.com)
Campus Centers are held in the AoA Campus Ministries Trust, a Georgia not-for-profit
organization which is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta.
Some missions have been created by territory of several existing parishes and established by an
official decree. Other missions are temporary in nature and fall under Can. 516; they are part of
the Chancery.
Finance Council: A finance council should be established for parishes and missions and operate
in accordance with canon law and the policies issued by the Archdiocese. A finance committee
should be established at regional schools as subcommittee of the Advisory Council. Finance
councils/committees should establish bylaws, meet at least quarterly, and generate and retain
official minutes.
Finance council/committee members serve in a financial advisory/oversight capacity. They
should not have conflicting business interests and should not serve in conflicting positions such
as usher, counter, business manager, accountant, etc. Members should be independent of the
activities they are overseeing.
See the Parish Finance Council Guidelines and contact the Office of Catholic Schools Staff and
Contact | Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta | Atlanta, GA (archatl.com) for the
Archdiocesan Office of Catholic Schools Policy Manual. Also see the leadership roundtable for
more information; Understanding-Parish-Finances.pdf (leadershiproundtable.org)
Year End Parish & School Certification Letter: The parish finance council should assist in the
timely submission of the Year End Parish Certification Letter and the annual report to the
Archbishop. The signed Certification Letter to the Archbishop form letter is due within 90 days
of the fiscal year end.
Annual Report: Canon 1287 ยง2 requires each parish/mission to provide, at least annually at
fiscal year-end, a financial accounting of all income and expenditures to the parishioners. The
fiscal year runs July 1 through June 30th. The annual report is due by October 31st.