Annual Pub 2023 FINAL - Flipbook - Page 5
P H O T O : J O S H H A W K I N S / U N LV
s I complete my third year as dean of the Kirk
Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV, I re昀ect on
what will be needed to create the medical school for
the future of the Las Vegas community. Establishing
an academic health center (AHC) is that model.
An AHC will allow us to provide state-of-the-art
healthcare, to undertake research that will directly impact the
needs of Las Vegas, to train the next generations of clinicians, and
to directly engage with our community. AHCs are not just medical
schools, but rather the constellation of health science schools and
programs, along with teaching hospitals that provide coordinated
care to a community.
Although AHCs comprise about five percent of healthcare
organizations; they provide a disproportionate share of Medicare,
Medicaid, and charity care; they serve as a community resource for
patients with complex needs; and they house the vast majority of
the nation’s trauma, burn, and comprehensive cancer centers. AHCs
are critical for the nation’s research infrastructure leading to the
development of vaccines, new treatments, and new technologies.
M A R C J . K A H N , M D, M B A
Recently, the Lincy Institute at UNLV commissioned Tripp Umbach
to initiate a study to determine the economic impact of an AHC in
the valley. The economic impact is signi昀cant, amounting to $3.6
billion annually by 2040 when clinical care, the development of new
commercializable technologies, and high-paying jobs are considered.
In fact, per their analysis, an AHC at UNLV will result in over 12,000
new jobs by 2040.
In addition to the economic impacts, an AHC will directly impact
the health and wellness of our citizens. An AHC will improve access
to care. And 昀nally, an AHC will be the breeding ground for the
development of a biotechnology economy in Las Vegas, bringing
high-paying jobs, economic diversi昀cation, and improvement in
disease prevention and treatment.
I remain excited about our future. Together, we can make it a reality.