INTRODUCTIONDORMIE NETWORK®FoundationDEAR DORMIE NETWORK COMMUNITY,2024 marks another record-breaking year for Dormie Network Foundation’scharitable giving. To our donors, event participants, and supporters—yourgenerosity has powered life-changing initiatives, uplifted nonpro昀椀ts, andstrengthened communities. We are deeply grateful for your continuedcommitment to making a lasting impact.Dormie Network Foundation is unique in its ability to blend golf, hospitality, andphilanthropy. This annual report is our way of showcasing the di昀昀erence we’remaking together—as a Foundation, as members, and as a community. Inside,you’ll 昀椀nd our mission in action, key initiatives, and the transformative nonpro昀椀tpartnerships that de昀椀ne our work.Since our founding in January 2020, our impact has grown exponentially.In 2024 alone, our total donation amount was $7.6 million—a remarkableincrease from an impressive $4.9 million in 2023. These funds are profound,aiding 850 nonpro昀椀t entities across all giving sectors, including donations toGolfStatus events.In-kind giving, which includes money raised through donated Dormie Networkmemberships and Stay and Play Packages, totals $16.5 million to date. $6.9million of that total was raised just last year. Additionally, we have awarded $1.7million in cash grants since our inception, with $712,988 granted in 2024. Ourgoal for 2025 is to surpass these milestones and extend our reach even further.Seeing the real-world impact of these contributions on nonpro昀椀ts—both smalland large—inspires us. As we look ahead, we’re dedicated to expanding oursupport for organizations that are making a di昀昀erence.Thank you again for your trust and support, enabling us to help nonpro昀椀ts raisemore and reach further. If you have a nonpro昀椀t close to your heart, we invite youto reach out—we’d love to explore how we can help.Here’s to an impactful 2025!Yours in service,Brian J. SchenkChief Philanthropy O昀케cer5
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