HOUSING OPTIONSOffering diverse living and learning experiences, University Housingis an integral part of the educational mission of Sacramento State.As such, the office strives to create a welcoming and stimulatingenvironment that prompts students to participate in co-curricularactivities that promote life and leadership skills, social responsibility,and academic success.TAKE AN ON-CAMPUS TOURDuring your on-campus housing tour, you will learn about student life when living oncampus, the amenities offered, student resources, and so much more! Total tour time isapproximately 30 minutes.Visit our tour website to register and obtain up-to-date tour information.FIRST-YEARHOUSINGNORTH VILLAGE• DESMOND HALL• DRAPER HALL• JENKINS HALL• SIERRA HALL• KLAMATH HALL• RIVERVIEW HALLUPPER-DIVISIONHOUSINGNORTH VILLAGE• AMERICAN RIVERCOURTYARD• RIVERVIEW HALLWEBSITE: CSUS.EDU/STUDENT-LIFE/HOUSINGEMAIL: HOUSING@CSUS.EDUHOUSING OPTIONSNORTH VILLAGE5
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