1.Landscape architectureis musicDr Ying Li MUSIC, EMOTION AND SPACE , In architectural theory the relationship between emotion anddesign has been discussed. This has been done at differentperiods in both the east and the west, often with comparisonsto music. Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Von Schelling (1829) firstmentioned the relationship between architecture: 'Architectureis frozen music'… Really there is something in this; the tone ofmind produced by architecture approaches the effect of music.The spatial sequence of architecture is a parallel to the melodic sequence of music. Both have narrative, flow, and continuity(Scruton 1979). Architectural space is not confined to threedimensions. Architecture and music are not related mathematically because the connecting point is that they are both aboutspace creation (Muecke and Zach 2007).Confucius’ position on Chinese culture is basedon Yue ( music) and Li (ritual).Recently, landscape architects have become interested inexploring the emotional interaction between people and publicopen space (Smith 2009). Compared to architectural design,landscape design takes place at more scales. But there is acertain scale, for example that of small public open spaces,which is like the design of architectural space and in which therelationship between music and design is more easily appreciated. Even though landscape design differs from architecturaldesign, the process of space creation is similar. As discussedabove, the aesthetic nature of landscape space-making isto create spaces that have both physical and spiritualbeauty (Messervy and Abell 2007). From the users’ point ofview, 'spiritual beauty' implies that a space should connectwith the emotions. Also, like architecture, landscapearchitectural design has a close relationship with music inthat it is a very direct way of expressing the mood of space.Above: The beginning section ofFranz Liszt’s composition notesof The Fountains of the Villa d' Este(Liszt, 2009).Above right:A good example of a comparable pair is the water featuredesign in Villa d’ Este and Franz Liszt’s composition Les jeuxd'eau a la Villa d'Este (The Water Fountains of the Villa d'Este). This involves both the relationship between music andlandscape, spatial meaning and the emotional-visual connection between visual language and a musical work.Hundred Fountains(Cento Fontane) in the Villa d'Este(Source: Author)Translation: Classic Chinese landscape architecture as acomprehensive art In ancient Chinese culture, the academic and artistic accomplishments required for a scholar-administrator were formedby four arts: qin (, Music), qi (, Chess), shu (, Chinesecalligraphy) and hua (, Chinese painting). Chinese Landscape Architecture is a good field in which to understand thecharacter of Chinese culture and the arts. Music is a leadingart. Confucius’ position on Chinese culture is based on Yue( music) and Li (ritual). Ancient sage-monarchs would use‘yue’ and ‘li’ to coordinate the people’s body and mind, speech,and behavior, and achieve the aim of governing the countrywell. The landscape space in Chinese gardens was often usedfor entertainment especially in private residential areas. Music was one of the joys of life. Therefore, you could say that inChina, ‘landscape architecture is music’.3
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