LIVE-IN CARE RATED ‘OUTSTANDING’We are the only dedicated live-in care provider to havebeen rated ‘Outstanding’ by The Care Quality Commission(CQC) in all five key measures - safe, effective, caring,responsive and well-led. Our flexible approach to providinghigh quality care, with a fully managed and regulated servicethat families can rely on is setting the standards in live-in care.We know this provides families with peace of mind thattheir loved one is receiving the best possible care.Care is provided on a one-to-one basis and is highlypersonalised reflecting not just an individual’s care needs,but their choices, wishes and social preferences so they areable to maintain as much independence as possible andlive a healthy, meaningful and fulfilled life - isn’t thatwhat we all want?LEADING THE WAY IN SPECIALIST CAREFor those living with conditions, like dementia, Parkinson’s,Multiple Sclerosis (MS) or for those requiring stroke care,cancer care or for those who need sensitive palliative care,our expert live-in carers are highly trained to provide careand support that positively enhances quality of life,enabling people to live well in their own homes.Our nurse-led care for those living with complex medicalconditions is led and supported by our in-house SpecialistConsultant Nurse, who works closely with our care teamsto ensure we are consistently improving our clients’ healthoutcomes. Our approach to delivering OT-led care at home,supported by our dedicated Occupational Therapist enablesfaster discharge from hospital to those coming into our care,whilst ensuring they have a comprehensive plan of carewith all the equipment they need to live well at home,whilst significantly reducing the risk of falling.6
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