Bertarelli-Annual-Report-2023-R9-low (1) - Flipbook - Page 48
22. Sandin, S.A., Becker, P.A., Becker, C., Brown, K.,
Erazoa, N.G., Figuerola, C., Fisher, R.N., Friedlander,
A.M., Fukami, G., Graham, N.A.J., Gruner, D.S.,
Holmes, N.D., Holthuijzen, W.A., Jones, H.P., Rios,
M., Samaniego, A., Sechrest, W., Semmens, B.X.,
Thornton, H.E., Vega Thurber, R., Wails, C.N., Wolf,
C.A., Zgliczynski, B.J. (2022). Harnessing island-ocean
connections to maximize marine benefits of island
conservation. PNAS. DOI:
pnas.2122354119 [open access]
Bertarelli Foundation
2022 Papers by marine science
researchers on other projects
Chowdhury, G.W., Koldewey, H.J., Niloy, N.H., Sarker,
S. (2022). The ecological impact of plastic pollution in a
warming environment. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences
Duncan, C., Primavera, J.H., Hill, N.A.O., Wodehouse, D.,
Koldewey, H.J. (2022). Potential for return on investment
in rehabilitation-oriented blue carbon projects: Project
strategies and accounting methodologies. Frontiers in
Forests and Global Change.
Lange, I.D., Molina-Hernandez, A., Medellin-Maldonado,
F., Perry, C. T., Alvarez-Filip, L. (2022). Structure-frommotion photogrammetry demonstrates variability in coral
growth within colonies and across habitats. PLoS ONE
Perry, C., Salter, M.A., Lange, I.D., Kochan, D.P.,
Harborne, A.R., Graham, N.A.J. (2022). Geo-ecological
functions provided by coral reef fishes vary among
regions and impact reef carbonate cycling regimes.
Taylor, B. M., Duenas, A. E. K., Lange, I. D. (2022).
Decadal changes in parrotfish assemblages around reefs
of Guam, Micronesia. Coral Reefs
23. Sannassy Pilly, S., Richardson, L.E., Turner, J.T.
and Roche, R.C. (2022) Atoll-dependent zonation
in benthic communities on remote reefs. Marine
Environmental Research
24. Steinberg, M. M., Juhel, J. B., Marques, V., Peron,
C., Hocde, R., Polanco, A., Pellesier, L., Villeger, S.,
Mouillot, D. and Letessier T.B. (2022) Similar trait
structure and vulnerability in pelagic fish faunas
on two remote islands. Marine Biology. https://doi.
25. Steyaert, M., Mogg, A., Dunn, N. Dowell, R., Head,
C.E.I. (2022). Observations of coral and cryptobenthic
sponge fluorescence and recruitment on autonomous
reef monitoring structures (ARMS). Coral Reefs 41,
877–883 (2022). [open access]
26. Steyaert, M., Lindhart, M., Khrizman, A., Dunbar,
R.B., Bonsall, M., Mucciarone, D., Ransome, E.,
Santodomingo, N., Winslade, P., Head, C.E.I. (2022).
Remote reef cryptobenthic diversity; integrating
Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) and
in situ environmental parameters. Frontiers in Marine
Science doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.932375 [open access]
27. Teixeira, H., Le Corre, M., Jaeger, A, Choeur, A.,
Saunier, M., Couzi, F-X., Shah, N.J., Nicoll, M.A.,
Humeau, L. (2022). Isolation and characterization of 50
microsatellite loci for two shearwater species, Ardenna
pacifica and Puffinus bailloni. Mol Biol Rep (2022). [open
28. Villegas-Ríos, D., Jacoby, D.M.P. & Mourier, J.
(2022). Social networks and the conservation of fish.
Communications Biology.
s42003-022-03138-w [open access]
29. Williamson, M.J., Tebbs,E.J., Dawson, T.P., Thompson,
H.J., Head, C.E.I., Jacoby, D.M.P. (2022). Monitoring
shallow coral reef exposure to environmental
stressors using satellite earth observation: the reef
environmental stress exposure toolbox (RESET).
Remote Sensing Ecology and Conservation. https://doi.
org/10.1002/rse2.286 [open access]