Mercuria CSR Report 2020 - Flipbook - Page 48
be tolerated.
Second, Mercuria recognizes the social
contract with the communities where we conduct
business. While the standards established at national
In 2020, the Board for Mercuria Energy Group elected
levels may vary around the globe, Mercuria holds
to form a committee to add additional focus from the
itself to conducting its business in an appropriate and
senior leadership directly upon these topics. While the
environmentally responsible manner.
impact of the pandemic has largely prevented these
this, Mercuria is continually strengthening its security
meetings from being held in the traditional sense
practices, with regard to both physical and technological
through the past year, the discussions have happened in
Coupled with
numerous forms. During 2020, particularly at the outset
of the pandemic as various regions were forced into
While Mercuria has always held compliance with
varying levels of restrictions, Mercuria held contingency
applicable regulations as a fundamental obligation
planning meetings both for its regional offices and with
for its business conduct, looking forward Mercuria
all of the assets where it had a significant or controlling
is envisioning how it can advance the accelerating
interest and worked closely with all to manage through
transformation of global energy markets.
the challenges caused by the pandemic.
recognizing the environmental demand to move
toward sustainable, carbon neutral energy sources;
Contingency planning focused initially upon work
Mercuria believes that this transformation will best
practices to be implemented reflective of the developing
be driven through innovative pairing of robust energy
understanding of Covid-19, and then quickly developed
supply strategies with intelligent and innovative market
to encompass planning to ensure staffing for critical
positions, and “bright-line” thresholds where operations
might be suspended. It is necessary to clearly establish
During 2021 and continuing forward, Mercuria is
these thresholds so as to avoid subsequent temptation
continuously working to reinforce the communication
to marginalize elements that may have determined
of its HSSE related values throughout its workforce and
as necessary for acceptable safety performance.
to its asset holdings.
Ongoing operations during a crisis cannot be continued
where established safe work procedures would be
As part of this committee’s efforts, Mercuria’s
Compliance training
leadership looks to continue its efforts to affirmatively
demonstrate its commitment to a safe and prosperous
Mercuria is committed to conducting its business with
working environment, as well as to the environments
integrity, to high ethical standards and in a way that is
in the communities where it conducts business. At
consistent with our values and our principles. Mercuria’s
a fundamental level, Mercuria is building its HSSE
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy establishes a
strategy from three basic principles. First, and above
comprehensive set of mandatory guidelines and
all else Mercuria places the value of the welfare of its
procedures for Mercuria, including all of its employees,
employees, contractors and the general public above
subsidiaries, and intermediaries, to establish guidelines
all other concerns. Mercuria is irrevocably committed
for how to handle situations that could potentially
that in all its business dealings, there is no situation
be construed as bribery. It is the policy of Mercuria to
where unacceptable risk to a person’s well-being can
comply with the United Kingdom Bribery Act of 2010