Bertarelli-Annual-Report-2023-R9-low (1) - Flipbook - Page 47
2022 Published papers
Carr, P. (2022). Odonata of the Chagos Archipelago,
central Indian Ocean: an update, DOI:10.5281/
Carr, P., Trevail, A.M., Koldewey, H.J., Sherley, R.B.,
Wilkinson, T., Votier, S.C. (2022). Marine important
bird and biodiversity areas in the Chagos Archipelago.
Bird Conservation International. DOI: https://doi.
Chowdhury, G.W., Koldewey, H.J., Niloy, N.H., Sarker,
S. (2022) The ecological impact of plastic pollution
in a warming environment. Emerging Topics in Life
Cooke, S.J., Bergman, J.N., Twardek, W.M., Piczak,
M.L., Casselberry, G.A., Lutek, K., Dahlmo, L.S., BirnieGauvin, K., Griffin, L.P., Brownscombe, J.W., Raby,
G.D., Standen, E.M., Horodysky, A.Z., Johnsen, S.,
Danylchuk, A.J., Furey, N.B., Gallagher, A.J., Lédée,
E.J.I., Midwood, J.D., Gutowsky, L.F.G., Jacoby,
D.M.P., Matley J.K., Lennox, R.J. (2022) The movement
ecology of fishes. Biological Reviews https://doi.
org/10.1111/jfb.15153 [open access]
10. Dunn, N., Savolainen, V., Weber, S., Andrzejaczek,
S., Carbone, C. and Curnick, D. (2022) Environmental
DNA reveals the diversity and abundance of sharks and
rays in a remote coral reef atoll. Molecular Ecology.
Zoological Society of the Linnean Society https://doi.
org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlac014 [open access]
11. Hays, G.C., Atchison-Balmond, N., Cerritelli, G.,
Laloë, J.O., Luschi, P., Mortimer, J.A., Rattray, A.,
and Esteban, N., Travel routes to remote ocean targets
reveal the map sense resolution for a marine migrant.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface https://doi.
org/10.1098/rsif.2021.0859 [open access]
12. Hoare, V., Atchison Balmond, N., Hays, G.C., Jones,
R., Koldewey, H., Laloë, J-O., Levy, E., Llewellyn, F.,
Morrall, H. and Esteban, N. (2022) Plastics dominate
beach debris in a remote archipelago; spatial variations
in island debris accumulation inform targeted beach
management. Marine Pollution Bulletin 10.1016/j.
marpolbul.2022.113868 [open access]
13. Jenrette, J. Liu, Z. Y. C., Chimote, P., Hastie, T., Fox,
E., Ferretti, F. (2022) Shark detection and classification
with machine learning. Ecological Informatics. https:// [open access]
14. Jorgensen, S.J., Micheli, F., White, T.D., Van
Houtan, K.S., Alfaro-Shigueto, J., Andrzejaczek, S.,
Arnoldi, N.S., Baum, J.K., Block, B., Britten, G.L.,
Butner, C., Caballero, S., Cardeñosa, D., Chapple,
T.K., Clarke, S., Cortés, E., Dulvy, N.K., Fowler, S.,
Gallagher, A.J., Gilman, E., Godley, B.J., Graham,
Marine Science 2022
R.T., Hammerschlag, N., Harry, A.V., Heithaus, M.R.,
Hutchinson, M., Huveneers, C., Lowe, C.G., Lucifora,
L.O., MacKeracher, T., Mangel, J.C., Martins, A.P.B.,
McCauley, D.J., McClenachan, L., Mull, C., Natanson,
L.J., Pauly, D., Pazmiño, D.A., Pistevos, J.C.A., Queiroz,
N., Roff, G., Shea, B.D., Simpfendorfer, C.A., Sims,
D.W., Ward-Paige, C., Worm, B., Ferretti, F., Emergent
research and priorities for shark and ray conservation.
Endangered Species Research. DOI: https://doi.
org/10.3354/esr01169 [open access]
15. Karkarey, R., Arthur, R., Nash, K.L., Pratchett, M.S.,
Sankaran, M. and Graham, N.A.J. (2022) Geomorphic,
anthropogenic and environmental gradients decouple
α and β diversity of coral reef fish along an extensive
oceanic ridge. Global Ecology and Conservation. https:// [open access]
16. Lange, I.D., Perry, C.T. and Stuhr, M. (2022), Recovery
trends of reef carbonate budgets at remote coral atolls
6 years post-bleaching. Limnol Oceanography. https:// [open access]
17. Letessier, T. B., Johnston, J., Robin, B., Bruce, M. and
Anderson, R. C. (2022) Spinner dolphin residency in
tropical lagoons: diurnal presence, seasonal variability,
and implications for nutrient dynamics. Journal of
Zoology. [open access]
18. Muir, P.R., Obura, D.O., Hoeksema, B.W., Sheppard,
C., Pichon, M., Richards, Z.T. (2022). Conclusions of
low extinction risk for most species of reef-building
corals are premature. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
19. Obura, D., Gudka, M., Samoilys, Melita., Osuka, K.,
Mbugua, J., Keith, D. A., Porter, S., Roche, R., van
Hooidonk, R., Ahamada, S.,Araman, A. Karisa, J.,
Komakoma, J.,Madi, M.,Ravinia, I.,Razafindrainibe,
H.,Yahya, S. and Zivane, F. (2022) Vulnerable to
collapse of coral reef ecosystems in the Western Indian
Ocean. Nature Sustainability
s41893-021-00817-0 [open access]
20. Omeyer, L., Duncan, E. et al. incl Koldewey, H.J.
(58 co-authors) (2022) Priorities to inform research
on marine plastic pollution in Southeast Asia.
Science of the Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.
scitotenv.2022.156704 [open access]
21. Papastamatiou, Y.P., Mourier, J., Vila Pouca, C.,
Guttridge, T.L., & Jacoby, D.M.P. (2022) Chapter 18:
Shark and ray social lives: form, function and ecological
significance of associations and grouping. In Biology of
Sharks and Their Relatives. Edited by Jeffrey C. Carrier,
Colin A. Simpfendorfer, Michael R. Heithaus & Kara E.
Yopak. CRS Press.