ESG 23 Final Single pages - Flipbook - Page 46
Social (continued)
Mental health, physical health, and
We continued to develop a comprehensive programme
of communication and activities to support mental health
and well-being across our colleague base during FY23.
This activity is communicated through our global wellbeing portal which includes a wide range of resources on
stress management, meditation and virtual yoga, as well
as ongoing guidance to managers on how to spot the
signs of mental ill-health within their teams, and resources
for them to support colleagues 昀椀nding themselves in
As a part of our ongoing mental health and wellness
focus, all colleagues have access to an Employee
Assistance Programme (EAP). Our global EAP provides
practical information (昀椀nancial planning, childcare
support, well-being and more) as well as counselling
on a variety of topics, and is available to colleagues and
their household. Information can be provided over the
phone or via email and counselling is o昀昀ered in-person or
virtually at a time and location convenient to the colleague
and in a local language as required.
Launched last year, our EAP has seen increased usage
year-on-year. Overall engagement with resources on
the site currently stands at 20.6%, up from 8.6% for the
same period last year. Actively managed cases, typically
mental health support, stand at 99 (FY22: 55). We
attribute the increased usage to the natural process of
awareness building over time rather than any particular
cause for concern as our usage patterns are compatible
with external benchmarks, but we continue to monitor it
closely now the EAP is fully embedded.
Other initiatives have included: on a weekly basis,
Mondays are always highlighted as Mindful Mondays for
mental health promotion; Wednesday include a focus for
physical health promotion; and July is designated Wellbeing Month during which we launch, promote and run a
collection of specially curated well-being training modules
for colleagues. Engagement for Well-being Month was
high with 500+ colleagues attending live sessions and
900+ watching highlights afterwards. This overarching
Well-being Month in July is supplemented by other events
during the year. September brought the launch of our
Coach to 5k jogging initiative (along with the set-up of the
RWS Running Club), and October is Mental Health month.
FY24 goals:
• Collection of data from our new health and safety
system to identify and act upon any trends
RWS Holdings plc — ESG Report 2023 SOCIAL
Review health and safety training content to ensure
it is engaging and relevant