MCE. DOUBLE-PAGE. BOOK - Flipbook - Page 46
Part Two
You’re probably aware that we’re all
bundles of energy, and it’s crucial to
become the mistress of your emotions
because they wield a signi昀椀cant
in昀氀uence on your energy. But here’s
another factor that affects your
energy – the way you perceive and talk
about yourself. Your energy is a silent
communicator, something others can
sense even before you say a word.
So, if you’re aiming to draw more
golden opportunities, improve your
昀椀nancial situation, and cultivate better
relationships, understanding that your
energy plays a pivotal role is key.
Pg | 46
Now, let’s talk about what happens when
you’re attracting toxic people, drama,
chaos, confusion, self-doubt, or endlessly
berating yourself. You’re essentially
submerged in the deepest, murkiest
depths of your energetic frequency –
welcome to the victim mindset. But fret
not, I’ve got my scuba diving gear on to
rescue you because this place isn’t your
Now that we’re back
from the depths,
it’s time for a