Bertarelli-Annual-Report-2023-R9-low (1) - Flipbook - Page 45
Collaboration Showcase
Marine Science 2022
© Filip Kulisev_Monaco Explorations
© Sven Bender_Monaco Explorations
Monaco Explorations
The Marine Science programme collaborated with
Monaco Explorations for their ‘Indian Ocean Expedition’
from October to December 2022. The expedition sailed
from Mauritius to La Reunion to Aldabra and Mahe
(Seychelles), then from Seychelles to Saya del Malha bank
and Mauritius. There were more than 150 participants
from around 20 nationalities onboard the S.A. Agulhas II,
including scientists, early career researchers and students,
filmmakers and photographers, artists, communicators,
and the ship’s crew. As part of the expedition, HSH Prince
Albert II of Monaco conducted an official visit to Aldabra
and to the ship. Guided by an Advisory Committee
of fourteen international experts (including Heather
Koldewey), the scientific programme focused on the four
main themes of Monaco Explorations: coral protection,
megafauna protection, marine protected areas and new
exploration techniques.
Our team from Oxford University and ZSL continued
our ongoing collaboration with the Seychelles Islands
Foundation. We focused on collecting samples and data
linked to population structure, connectivity and resilience
of corals and other invertebrates in the central and western
Indian Ocean, including Ctenella chagius. We were able
to organise opportunistic sampling to 700 metres around
Aldabra using a remotely operated vehicle using the
standard transect and depth methodology being applied
by the REV Ocean expedition at the same time. This
research was led by regional scientists. Unfortunately, due
to equipment failure, one of our team had to be medivaced
from the expedition back to the UK via Nairobi for medical
attention and recovery. This highlighted the risks involved
in conducting research in such remote regions.
Monaco Explorations is endorsed by the United Nations
Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development
2021–2030 and the Expedition itself was endorsed by
the 2nd International Indian Ocean Expedition.