ESG 23 Final Single pages - Flipbook - Page 43
Maximising the potential of our colleagues is critical to our
growth. We have implemented initiatives globally to help
our colleagues maximise their contribution and sense of
achievement, as well as develop their careers.
All our divisions run systematic performance and
development review processes within their teams.
These reviews provide the opportunity for colleagues
to set their objectives for the year, discuss subsequent
performance including any particular achievements or
challenges, and consider future career opportunities
with their line manager. Feedback from our engagement
survey suggests these reviews serve as an e昀昀ective tool
for aligning individual goals with organisational goals
and enabling a supportive two-way dialogue between
colleagues and their manager.
We have developed a new performance management
process that will be launched in tandem with our new HR
system in late FY24.
We see many bene昀椀ts in this change, not least the
opportunity for a single consistent framework for
measuring and supporting performance across the
organisation, as well as the opportunity to capture
development needs consistently across the Group,
allowing us to develop an e昀케cient uni昀椀ed response to
strategic talent/skills requirements as needed.
In FY23 we moved to the next stage of our Executive
succession identi昀椀cation programme completed in FY22,
facilitating a series of development moves for individuals
identi昀椀ed during that process. These development moves
are intended to accelerate this group’s readiness for
internal promotion as opportunities emerge.
FY24 goals:
• Implement a new Group-wide performance and
development review process, incorporating the
RWS values
Execute development plans for each high potential
leader identi昀椀ed during the executive succession review
Implement talent identi昀椀cation and development
programmes deeper into the organisation
SOCIAL RWS Holdings plc — ESG Report 2023