St Ives-a new millennium4/10/023:46 pmPage 40David HodgePhoto: Stuart Littlewood/Ricoh XR7A governor of Thorndown Primary School for 20years - and chairman for the last 7 - David isimmensely proud that OFSTED inspectors recentlyplaced the school in the Top 100. Here he spendstime in the computer room with 5 year-oldsFrances Stoker and Ryan Firth from the ReceptionClass.David is a telecoms engineer and recently retiredafter 40 years with BT. He was also secretary forthe Peterborough branch of the CommunicationWorkers Union.His family originated in St Ives and he came to livein the town in 1971. Elected Town Councillor in1976 David was Mayor in 1985/86 and again in1994-95. He is a keen motor-caravanner, oftentravelling to France and Spain.Right: Martin Rutty and Tim GilbertPhoto: Stuart Littlewood/Ricoh XR7Martin (front) and Tim about to take off in 1999for their record-breaking Millennium flight in asingle-engine Robinson R44 helicopter toAdelaide, in order to raise money for theinternational charity SOS Children’s Villageswhich was celebrating its 50th anniversary.They set out from Marshall Aerospace atCambridge Airport and completed the trip, withmany adventures and anxious moments enroute, in just under 6 weeks. They were thefirst pilots ever to fly a single engine pistondriven helicopter from England to Australia.Martin and Tim co-own Speed Couriers, basedin St Ives.Page 40
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