St Ives-a new millennium4/10/023:46 pmBelow: Dr John CaswellPhoto: Stuart Littlewood/RicohXR7A practising GP in St Ives since1981, John previously worked inLondon, Norwich, Reading andManchester. His surgery occupiesthe old Telephone Exchange inEast Street. He has four childrenand his interests outsidemedicine include sport (playingand watching), music, hillwalking and cars.Page 38Right: Keith Maile, Mapro PublishingServicesPhoto: Stuart Littlewood/Ricoh XR7Keith has been in printing since the ageof 14 and began at Enderby & Co in theold steam mill. He went to Waterlow’sat Dunstable for 7 years then returnedto St Ives to start his own business.Mapro has been established at TheQuay since 1974.A member of St Ives Rowing Club since1949, Keith stroked the first senior‘four’ to win a cup at the CambridgeRegatta after the war.Right: The AndersonsPhoto: Stuart Littlewood/Pentax MXThe Andersons have been farming around St Ives since the family came with the herds from the far north in the early 1880s.Cousins Chris, Terry and George carry on the business H. Anderson & Sons to this day on some 500 acres of arable andgrazing. Terry (left) and Chris are pictured here checking the herd on The Holmes meadow. These cattle, a familiar sight fromthe by-pass bridge, are Limosine Herefords crossed with a Blonde-d’Aquitaine bull and are reared for beef.The cousins have seen tremendous changes to the town. Chris maintains that genuine St Ivians have their own accent, whichis now dying out. “And you could get to anywhere in the country by train from St Ives,” he says. “On my honeymoon we got aticket to Scarborough and we only had to change at York. It was easy.” That’s food for thought in the present-day controversyover rail travel.The cattle business too has been turned on its head, they say. St Ives has gone from being one of the biggest markets in thecountry to not having a decent market within 50 miles.Page 38
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