St Ives-a new millennium4/10/023:40 pmJonathan Djanogly MP and Barrie HillPhoto: Stuart Littlewood/Ricoh XR7Jonathan (left) was elected to represent theHuntingdon constituency in 2001, succeedingJohn Major. Before then he served onWestmister City Council, practised as a partnerin a commercial law firm and ran a smallbusiness with his wife Rebecca.As a member of the Opposition, Jonathan hasbeen appointed to the Trade and IndustrySelect Committee and also served on theAdoption and Children Bill and Enterprise BillStanding Committees. His particular interestsinclude trade, social issues and the ruralenvironment.Often seen in St Ives, he is pictured here inWarners Park a few weeks after his electionvisiting the Police roadshow bus. With him isBarrie who came to St Ives in the 1960s whenhis father took a pub, the old Cow & Hare,which used to be in the passage opposite theVictoria memorial in the Broadway. Barrie runsa small property maintenance firm, now livesin Hemingford Abbots and has been active inthe local Conservative Party for 20 years.He’s a founder member of St Ives Sub-AquaClub and a teacher and examiner with theRoyal Lifesaving Society. The Sub-Aqua Clubpicked up all the stones from the river-bedwhen a lorry burst through the parapet of theold bridge in 1976. And, as a diver, Barriehelped to recover a Halifax bomber shot downin a Norwegian lake on a mission to sink theGerman battle-cruiser Tirpitz.Page 2Page 2
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