LC Primary 'Games & Activities for the MFL & ISL Classroom' - Flipbook - Page 4
to Languages
Primary Language Sampler Module:
vocabulary building activities and games for the MFL and ISL classroom
Circle and PE hall games
These are games that typically involve movement and challenges or collaboration among pupils. They can be played in the
classroom, in the PE hall or school yard. Circle games facilitate teacher observation but also allow all pupils to see each other.
They generally allow pupils to feel at ease because everyone is on equal terms in the circle, and nobody feels more on the spot
than others or left behind. The following are some suggestions which might work well in this context.
Fruit Salad
• Make a circle of chairs with one chair less than the number of pupils in your class
• Divide your pupils into groups of numbers, colours, food or drink words or any vocabulary you would like to practice, and ask
one volunteer to stand in the middle
• The person in the middle then calls out or signs one of the words, and all of the children assigned that word must get up and
find a new chair
• If the person in the middle calls out "fruit salad," everyone must get up and find a new chair
• The objective is for the child in the middle to steal one of the other children's spots while they're trying to find a new chair.
When this happens, the person without a chair is the new pupil in the middle
• Ask pupils to sit in a circle and place some flashcards in the middle of the circle.
• Ask pupils to put their hands on their heads
• Teacher signs or says the word for the image on one of the flashcards, and the pupils race to touch it
• The pupil who touches it first gets to keep the flashcard
Hand Writing
• Play in pairs: Each child in turn draws a number on their partner’s hand using a finger
• Their partner must have their eyes closed while trying to guess what the number is
Walking Snap
• Prepare a set of cards, half with images and half with the matching words
• Give each pupil a card. Without showing their cards, pupils must find the classmate with the matching one
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