THERE’S NOWHEREBETTER THAN HOMEWhen faced with the reality that a loved one or family memberneeds long-term care, we know how worrying and upsetting itcan be for all concerned.Watching someone close to you whose life is impacted by conditions that can affect older people,like dementia can sometimes have a devastating effect on family life. Some family carers experiencefeelings of guilt that they themselves are struggling to cope and provide the care and support theirloved one needs. Many people still believe their only option when they need long-term care is tomove into a care or nursing home, which is simply not the case. Live-in care is fast becoming thepreferred choice for those wishing to stay in their much-loved home, whilst receiving the careand support they need.At The Good Care Group we have been providing high quality live-in care to clientsacross the country for over 10 years, helping families to overcome the challengesthey face. Our care is focused on keeping people safely and happily in thecomfort and familiarity of their own home and community, whilstimproving their overall health and wellbeing.97%OF PEOPLE GIVEN THECHOICE WOULD PREFERTO RECEIVE CARE INTHEIR OWN HOMELive-in care Hub, 2017
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