Canadian Women's Foundation Annual Report 2023-2024 - Report - Page 39
At The Walrus Talks Gender-Based Violence,
co-hosted by the Foundation, six expert speakers
addressed urgent questions and myths about this
topic, as well as strategies for prevention.
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We partnered with the Canadian Journalism
Foundation to host Reporting with Care: Ethical
Journalism in the Shadow of Intimate Partner
Violence, moderated by Anna Maria Tremonti.
“Data says we won’t
close the gender pay
gap at this rate for 200
years if we just allow it
to happen naturally, so
the question is: Should
we allow it to happen
naturally or should we
kick-start things in the
right direction?”
The Globe and Mail: Not a Single Large, Public
Canadian Firm has Closed the Gender Pay Gap,
Study Finds
> Watch
Chatelaine: Gender-Based Violence is an
Epidemic so Why Aren’t We Calling it That?
More than 1,500 people registered for Equity
at Work: Cultivating Career Growth and
Inclusivity, an event we hosted in partnership
with The Globe and Mail in honour of
International Women’s Day.
The Philanthropist Journal: Philanthropy for
Digital Safety
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