38SPONSOR CONTENTMANITOBA’S TOP EMPLOYERS (2025)NFI Group’s learning culture inspires loyaltyTanya Liahushadreamed of movingto Canada whileworking as a realestate agent in hernative Ukraine. She realized herdream when she immigrated toWinnipeg in 2019, and one yearlater, landed a position with NFIGroup after earning a marketingmanagement diploma through thecontinuing education departmentat the University of Winnipeg.“NFI promotes personal growthand development, collaborationand employee recognition,” saysLiahusha, a digital marketing specialist. “The company cultivates apositive work environment whereeveryone feels valued. NFI treatsits employees as its greatest asset.”NFI is in the business of movingpeople, says Matt Banera, directorof human resources for one ofits seven divisions. The companymanufactures transit buses,single- and double-decker buses,and motorcoaches.NFI employs a diverse workforcethat includes production workers,a range of skilled tradespeoplesuch as tool and die makers,welders and painters, as well asprofessional engineers and sales,marketing, finance, IT and supplychain specialists, among others.The company has a comprehensive onboarding program,particularly for its manufacturingemployees. “Before they join theirteam in manufacturing, theyreceive classroom and on-thejob training with mentors,” saysBanera. “As well, they go throughproduction readiness orientationwhere we do checks from oneweek, one month, two months andthree months at the start of theiremployment journey with us.”NFI spends over $10 millionannually on employee development. The educational assistanceprogram is designed to providepartial- to full-financial supportfor business specific programs.“NFI has supported my growthand helped me expand myprofessional knowledge,” saysLiahusha. “I’ve completed severalmarketing courses and earned adigital marketing certificate whichwas fully funded by NFI. Myexperience is a testament to howan employer can support a youngprofessional.”The company cultivates apositive work environmentwhere everyone feelsvalued. NFI treats itsemployees as its greatestasset.— Tanya LiahushaDigital Marketing Specialist Employees at NFI Group receive an award at the annual Spirit of Winnipeg Awards Gala.The company also has aninternal NFI Learning Institutethat includes resources foremployees in manufacturing andwarehouse operations all the waythrough to senior managementand executive-level leadership. Aswell, all employees moving intoleadership roles must completea training program comprisingseven modules, says Banera.“We have an emerging leadership program where leadersidentify employees with thecapacity, interest and drive tobecome leaders,” he says. “Theyare partnered with a senior leaderwho provides mentorship.”He adds that in 2025, thecompany is introducing a talentmanagement program that willassist in understanding individualized development needs for alladministrative team members.
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