iM3 | The Global Name in Veterinary DentistryiM3 Table Top Mouth Gag (TTMG)T2000 28 x 16 cmHAND INSTRUMENTSThe TTMG was designed by iM3 with the help of specialiststo hold anesthetised patients in the best possible position forexamination and treatment of the oral cavity. Adjustable height stainless steel gags. Adjustable table height ensures the best viewing angleof the oral cavity. Washable silicon pad under the patient reduces heat loss andis easy to clean. The complete TTMG is easy to clean and is autoclavable. Quality components and innovative design for ease of use.Treatment for respiratory and associated ailments inbrachycephalic patients are proving common due to thepopularity of these breeds.Dr Charles Kuntz is an expert educators and is experiencedusing the latest equipment such as the iM3 Table Top MouthGag (TTMG), see the below review about his experience usingthe tabletop mouth gag (TTMG).“I have been using the iM3 tabletop mouth gag (TTMG)for about 4 years for positioning of the head for numerousprocedures, most commonly brachycephalic airwaysurgery. This device is absolutely perfect for positioningdogs’ heads for this procedure and saves a lot of time andexpense (think endless rolls of tape) normally required forpositioning brachy’s heads for surgery. The other really nicething is that it is adjustable. We can have the head in oneposition for the nares and then change the position for thesoft palate and saccules. I strongly recommend the use ofthe TTMG for this purpose” Charles KuntzSpecialist Surgeon DVM, MS, MACVSc,Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons,Registered Specialist of Small Animal Surgery,Fellow of Surgical Oncology.
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