iM3 | The Global Name in Veterinary DentistryCat. CodeiM3 8 Piece Feline Instrument SetD2000HAND INSTRUMENTSThe feline periodontal kit has been designed exclusively foruse in cats and small dogs. Its design allows the practitionerto perform a complete oral examination, detect any felineresorptive lesions, and clean supra and sub gingival toothsurfaces. All instruments are available individually.The set consists of:12341 mm Wide Straight Tip ElevatorD20012 mm Wide Straight Tip ElevatorD2002Probe/ExplorerD2003Extraction ForcepsD2004Periosteal ElevatorD2005Resorptive Lesion ProbeD2006Sickle Scaler and CuretteD2007Subgingival Curette - FineD2008Autoclavable Instrument Trays1. Instrument Tray 95 mm x 195 mm.Autoclavable to 121º C.D10202. Instrument Tray 340 mm x 245 mm.Has 10 drilled bur holes. Autoclavable to 121º C.D10363. Stainless steel instrument holder/case205 mm x 120 mm x 30 mm. Autoclavable to 135º C.D10434. Large stainless steel instrument holder/cassette205 x 165 x 30mm. Autoclavable to 135º C.D1096iM3 Gawor Rescue Kit - InstrumentsGRK01The Gawor Rescue Kit was curated by Dr. Jerzy Gawor DAVDC,DEVDC (PL), to be used in case of complications duringveterinary dental extractions.The kit includes:www.im3vet.euDownload & PrintClick this link to get theiM3 Gaw Rescue Kit GuideRescue Kit GuideFragment Extraction ForcepsFine Tip Pickup ForcepPincet Manual forcepsStraight root tip pick - stubby handle1mm Winged elevator - stubby handle1mm Luxator with stubby handleStraight Root Elevator - 0.8 mmStraight Root Elevator - 0.9 mmStraight Root Elevator - 1.0 mmInstrument Cassette - MediumForceps to catch and retrieve small tooth orbone fragment with firm grasp.D3060D5011D5022D1005SD1001SHD4501SRE08SRE09SRE10D1043D3060
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