STRATEGIC DEFENCEDEFENCE:Today’s organisations comprisean intricate network of supportingbusinesses and digital infrastructurethat enable business operations.Tools are now so interconnectedthat disruption to one could havea domino effect, impacting thewider business. And, as the threatlandscape continues to evolveand become more complex,organisations face an increased riskof a business disruption. This riskcan come from various sources,such as internal and external IT,SaaS applications, supply chainpartners, and IT service providers.So, having the proper safetyprotocols in place is vital.Unexpected cyber incidents andsubsequent digital disruptionscan have potentially catastrophicrepercussions on the enterprisemission, from failure to deliverservices to data loss and haltingof operations, to falling foul ofregulators, reputational damageand disruption to the supply chain.Despite many high-profilecyber-attacks making globalheadlines and boards the worldover waking up to the threat ofa cyberattack, many struggle tomove beyond the dated perceptionof cybersecurity as a cost centre.Executives, unable to see the ROIor fully comprehend the criticalityof cyber resilience, leave securityleaders contending with tightenedpurse strings and relying onoperational cybersecurity metricsto convince the leadership of whatshould be a strategic imperative.ADARMA CYBER INSIDERS|37
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