St Ives-a new millennium4/10/023:45 pmPage 33Left: David Stevens, veterinarysurgeonPhoto: Stuart Littlewood/Ricoh XR7Done & Stevens, veterinary surgeons,have been in St Ives since 1991, butthere was a veterinary practice at theStation Road premises for many yearsbefore then. It used to be a mixedpractice but after the decline inlivestock farming the practice washandling 100% companion animals by1997. Up to 80 cases a day are seenin St Ives and 40 at the Bramptonbranch.David has lived in Cambridgeshire onand off since 1969. After graduatingas a parasitologist he spent threeyears working for Voluntary ServiceOverseas in Sarawak, East Malaysia(Borneo), helping to set up a VeterinaryDiagnostic Laboratory and carrying outdisease surveys. Working alongsideveterinary surgeons made him realisethis was where his future lay. He wasaccepted into Cambridge UniversityVeterinary School and qualified in1986. His first job was in a mixedpractice on Romney Marsh in Kent andwhen a vacancy occurred in St Ives heapplied, becoming a partner in 1989.His leisure interests are travel,walking, natural history, photographyand occasional windsurfing.Page 33
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