iM3 | The Global Name in Veterinary DentistryDental Instrument SharpeningCheck out this great video tutorial from one ofour trained veterinary nurses.Share this video with your staff to ensure yourinstruments are always performing at peak efficiencyin all your dental procedures.HAND INSTRUMENTSSharpening Stainless Steel Elevators and LuxatorsThese are sharpened on the flat surface of the stone. Theelevator is held in the hand with the index finger justbehind the tip. Look for the cutting surface on the wingedelevator end and place it flat against the stone at the sameangle (indicated image). In the case of the winged elevatorspictured, the angle is about 45 degrees.Hold the elevator still, in position against the stone.While maintaining the angle, move the stone upward,repeating the process 2-3 times. This will sharpen thecutting edge of the instrument. The same processapplies to luxators and straight elevators.Sharpening iM3 Ergo Elevators and Luxatorswww.im3vet.euDrip a small amount of oil (MD30) onto the flat surface ofyour stone in the shape of a smile or a shallow “U” shape.Take the back side of the instrument, the convex surface andplace onto the stone. Raise the angle of the instrument up toThe winged elevator tipis placed flat against thesharpening stone.The picture shows the angleof the instrument against thesharpening stone.approximately 45 degrees, so the back of the tip of the bladetouches the surface of the stone.Draw the instrument from right to left in the shape of the “U”back and forth, pressing hard enough to see metal filings onthe stone.
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