Responsibility Brochure - Flipbook - Page 33
We believe that everyone in our organisation is responsible for having due regard for human rights. In
The board has overall responsibility for ensuring that human rights considerations are integral in the way in
which existing operations and new opportunities are developed and managed.
Managers and supervisors must provide visible leadership that promotes human rights as an equal priority
to other business issues. They also have a responsibility for identifying abuses that occur.
All of our people are responsible for ensuring that their own actions do not impair the human rights of
others. They are also encouraged to bring forward, in confidence, any concerns that they may have about
human rights abuses through our whistle blowing procedure.
Sudbury Silk Mills’ culture is one of openness, integrity and accountability and we require our people to act
fairly in their dealings with colleagues, customers, suppliers and business partners.
We have a code of conduct that applies to everyone internally and our external business partners, which
aims to ensure that we maintain consistently high ethical standards, while recognising that our business
operates in markets and countries with cultural differences and practices.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption
Sudbury Silk Mills has a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption that extends to all business
dealings and transactions in which we are involved. This includes a prohibition on making political donations,
offering or receiving inappropriate gifts or making undue payments to influence the outcome of business
Health, safety & wellbeing
Health, safety & wellbeing is critical to all and a clear priority for us. We recognise the
necessity of safeguarding the physical and mental health and safety of our own people
while at work, and we work hard to provide a safe and comfortable working environment
for staff members, visitors and the public. Our health, safety and wellbeing policy requires
the business to manage their activities in a way that avoids causing unnecessary or
unacceptable risks to health and safety.
Every month we hold a Safety, Health & Environment (SHE) committee meeting, which
includes representatives from operations and administrative areas in addition to the
management team, including the board of directors. The committee is chaired by the
dedicated health and safety manager and environmental representative to ensure all issues
are raised and appropriately actioned, with feedback and minutes posted on all bulletin
boards. Health support is provided by a local occupational health provider. In 2021/22 all
our people received wellbeing and awareness training, with additional training for our
managers, to help them support their teams. Regular training is carried out for first aid, fire
marshals, environmental spillages, fork lift truck operators, those working at height and we
have a large ‘tool box talk’ library for all teams to include in their regular team briefings.
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