32SPONSOR CONTENTMANITOBA’S TOP EMPLOYERS (2025)Employees aim for the stars at Magellan AerospaceWhen makinga majorcareer coursecorrection, JulieRobichauddid the math. She calculated thata job at Magellan Aerospace,Winnipeg would give herwings to soar to new and higherprofessional goals.“I had just come out of 10years in hospitality and decidedto switch gears, so I started atMagellan at three days a weekand they quickly moved me to fivedays,” says Robichaud.“It’s been great. The companyis very good about giving me theeducational and other supports Ineed to succeed and to grow.”Magellan Aerospace is a globalcompany that designs, engineersand manufactures aeroengineand aerostructure components forthe aerospace and space markets.Located in Winnipeg, the company’s employees build everythingfrom complex aircraft assembliesto satellite buses.As executive assistant,Robichaud interacts with a widerange of her fellow employees,including engineers, office staff,executives and even a few rocketscientists. Working in a highenergy environment on the cuttingedge of technology ensures that notwo days are ever quite the same.“We work on some reallyamazing programs and it’s alwaysexciting here, not just in myposition, but in all job positions,”says Robichaud.“You can work here in anycapacity, whether it’s in the tradesor in an office, in a culture that isjust amazing.”To keep their employees atthe forefront of an industry thatcan seem to change at the speedof light, Magellan puts a highvalue on education and training.Robichaud used the company’stuition subsidies to get her human Astronaut Jeremy Hansen visits Magellan Aerospace, Winnipeg, to discuss the upcoming Artemis launch withthe team.resource management certificate.Employees receive 100 per centtuition support for job-relatedcourses and programs.The sky is literally the limithere at Magellan.— Kim AlexanderDirector of Human ResourcesAs high-tech as Magellan is, oneof the company’s most effectiverecruitment strategies is oldfashioned word of mouth.Employees get a $1,000 bonusunder a referral program to attractnew talent. Kim Alexander, director of human resources, says newemployees are made to feel likemembers of the Magellan familyright from the beginning.“When we have an orientation,our general manager comes in andtalks to the employees and tellsthem about his own experiencesand lets them know they’resupported and there are lots ofopportunities within the Magellanworld,” says Alexander.“Our employees know thatwhere they start doesn’t have to bewhere they stay. The sky is literallythe limit here at Magellan.”Alexander says work-life balance is key to keeping employeesengaged. Magellan recentlyincreased the starting vacationfor employees to three weeksfrom two. A hybrid work model isavailable for many employees.Social activities and communitycharity work also help build astrong company spirit. Robichaudsays employees have a sense ofcorporate pride and one way of
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