Mercuria CSR Report 2020 - Flipbook - Page 32
Liquefied Natural Gas
As we continue to expand our trading footprint in
efficient fuel. As shipping is responsible for 14% of
the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) market, we are
worldwide Sulphur emissions, converting to LNG
able to expand our business in an environmentally,
burning engines could reduce these completely.
economically and socially responsible manner.
As the cleanest fossil fuel, LNG reduces CO2
The same benefits can be achieved at land-based
emissions by 25% and NO2 emissions by 90%
facilities such as power stations, steel mills and
when compared to heavy fuels used in power
heavy industry. LNG efficiently replaces coal,
plants or heavy industry. It also reduces Sulphur
heavy fuel oil, diesel and other more harmful and
emissions completely. In addition, its use as a
less clean sources of energy. When combined
marine fuel used to transport the LNG to the end
with other green energy sources such as wind and
user has similar benefits for the shipping industry.
solar, impressive reductions in harmful emissions
Marine energy transportation has traditionally
can be achieved, benefiting all who live and work
been perceived as an environmentally harmful
near these facilities.
yet essential practice. LNG has transformed this
perception. Through investment in advanced and
In its production, transportation and end use, LNG
innovative technology, coupled with operational
is an essential component of the energy transition
excellence and exceptional safety standards, LNG
and will be an increasingly important part of the
shipping is admired as an innovator in its field. LNG
energy mix in the future. These benefits will be felt
as a fuel is becoming common practice in general
worldwide through reduced emissions and cleaner
marine transportation, as the cruise industry and
air. LNG is a fuel for the future and Mercuria is
container ships convert to burn this cleaner more
proud to be part of this journey.