Bertarelli-Annual-Report-2023-R9-low (1) - Flipbook - Page 30
pIoneerIng degree progrAmmes
From a single 昀氀agship MBA degree, INSEAD’s offering has grown
over the past two decades to include 6 top-ranked Master
programmes. During 2023–2024, we conducted a strategic review
of our portfolio and made the exciting decision to launch the
GEMBA Flex. Marketing has already begun, and the 昀椀rst intake will
join us in 2025 for a 昀氀exible, blended programme.
I N S E A D A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 0 2 3–2 0 2 4
Pioneering Degree
Mark Stabile
Dean of the Europe Campus,
Professor of Economics, holder of the
Stone Chair in Wealth Inequality and
Academic Director of the James M.
and Cathleen D. Stone Centre for the
Study of Wealth Inequality
not sure this
should go here
The format combines in-person and online learning, while
maintaining the rigorous academic standards, admissions criteria
and tuition quality of our established Global Executive MBA. In
addition, building on the huge success of the Master In
Management, whose 昀椀rst students arrived on campus in just 2020,
we are investigating further options for the pre-experience market.