SF-25 Paperturn-1 - Flipbook - Page 3
What is
news literacy?
Any comprehensive media literacy
program must start with news
literacy, a foundational aspect of the
discipline. Speciocally, news literacy:
Seeks to teach students how
to think about the news and
information they consume,
not what to think.
Is committed to the First
Amendment and the
conviction that a free press is
a cornerstone of democracy.
Places an emphasis on
developing a healthy skepticism
about news and information,
without becoming cynical.
Demonstrates a nonpartisan
focus on specioc, clear
learning standards.
Is a fundamental component
of any comprehensive
civics program.
I'm convinced the News Literacy Project is
one of the most important public service
organizations in the nation.
3 PIERRE THOMAS, ABC News Senior Justice
Correspondent, NLP National Journalism Advisory Council