BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 3
This document, Finance Best Practices, Policies, & Procedures, and Best Practices for Roman
Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta Parishes, Missions, Campus Centers, and Schools, was
published in March 2023. It is an update of the compilation of the Finance Related Excerpts
from the Compiled Policies of the Archdiocese of Atlanta and Roman Catholic Archdiocese of
Atlanta Best Practices for Parish and School Accounting, all of which are publications of the
Archdiocesan Finance Office. The Finance Related Excerpts from the Compiled Policies of the
Archdiocese of Atlanta was last updated February 6, 2009 and was once part of the Compiled
Policies of the Archdiocese of Atlanta that was updated January 29, 1997. The Archdiocese of
Atlanta Best Practices document was originally published February 8, 2007, revised December
28, 2008. The Finance Policies, Procedures, and Best Practices can be found on the
Archdiocese of Atlanta Finance Office website.
It is the goal of the Administrative Offices of the Archdiocese of Atlanta to assist the
management of the parishes, missions, campus centers, and schools with implementation and
maintenance of a system of internal controls. The objectives of a proper system of internal
controls are to provide a reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the
following categories:
Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
Reliability of financial reporting
Protection of assets
Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
Every system of internal control has inherent limitations including the following:
Mistakes and human errors in applying the established policies and procedures
Circumvention of controls by collusion of two or more people
Intentional disregard of controls (management override, forgery, etc.)
Common sense dictates that the cost of controls should never exceed the potential benefit.
The Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Atlanta expects each parish, mission, campus center, and
school (for purpose of this document, referred to as