Erklæring om investeringsbeslutningers vigtigste negative indvirkninger på bæredygtighedsfaktorer (PAI) - Flipbook - Side 3
of the investment risk. Industriens Pension aims to invest responsibly and to be an active investor in order to protect and increase returns for members
while at the same time contributing to sustainable societal development. Industriens Pension’s policy on responsible investment and active ownership
sets the framework for all work on responsible investment, including active ownership. Work on responsible investment takes the greatest possible
account of the principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors. Consideration of adverse impacts is through analyses and assessments before an
investment (due diligence), and through ongoing monitoring of the asset after the investment has been made. Initiatives are prioritised where the
severity and scope of adverse impacts are greatest, and where we have the largest investments.
In the statement, Industriens Pension reports on the compulsory indicators for adverse impacts on sustainability from investments by Industriens
Pension, as well as two voluntary indicators. The voluntary indicators are investments in undertakings without initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions
and absence of a human rights policy. Besides reporting on the indicators, the measures taken by Industriens Pension in 2022 to avoid or reduce
principal adverse impacts as well as the planned measures for 2023 are also described.
Sustainability data for investments are generally still being developed, and the quality of existing data can vary. Work on integrating consideration
of adverse sustainability impacts from investments will therefore continuously be developed and improved as more and better data for the various
classes of assets becomes available. Data on unlisted investments is as yet particularly weak.
Industriens Pension is working to improve data collection, and there is focus on enhancing the quality of existing data. We are doing this by evaluating
our data suppliers and engaging in dialogue with companies and managers receiving our investments regarding their reports.
In 2022, work has primarily focussed on collecting data available on listed investments as well as direct investments in infrastructure and property.
data is supplied by the external data supplier, ISS, for the portfolio of listed shares and bonds. In this context, data availability varies across individual
adverse sustainability indicators. Coverage is more than 85% for nine of the mandatory 16 indicators defined in the SFDR. For example, this applies
to greenhouse gas emissions, where the data coverage is close to the full portfolio. Coverage is somewhat lower for the remaining indicators.
Industriens Pension collects its own data for direct investments in infrastructure and property. While it is complete for properties, data coverage also
fluctuates considerably across direct investments in infrastructure. In 2023, work will continue to increase the data basis for these investments, and
there will be work to collect data for unlisted investments through funds that are not yet covered.
There will also be focus on improving the quality of the current data basis. Many of the data points are based on estimates, and the underlying
methods for measurement of the indicators are also under development.
As this is the first statement we have prepared based on data, the statement does not contain a historical comparison nor an explanation of the
development of indicators. The historical comparison will be included for the first time in the next statement, with reference period 1 January to 31
December 2023.