APPLY FOR NORTHVILLAGE HOUSINGHousing placement is on a first-come, first-served basisand is not guaranteed. We encourage students to applyearly. Students applying for housing might be placed on awaitlist, depending on demand and the number ofapplications received. Please follow the below instructionsfor completing your on-campus housing application.Submit your ApplicationLogin to the HornetHousing Portal to complete your On-CampusHousing Application. Make sure to select the correct term for your application. Be prepared to share contact information, emergency contactinformation, health insurance information, and other important details.Please read all information carefully about your options, cancellationpolicies, etc. before submitting your application. If you are under theage of 18, a parent or guardian must sign the License Agreement before you can submit your application.Complete your ApplicationSTEPS TO APPLYCreate your Sac Link IDIf you are an incoming student, create your Sac Link ID. Youwill need to create your account at least 3 business daysbefore applying. Students do not need to have an Intent toEnroll submitted before they create a Sac Link ID and apply forhousing – we encourage you to get started early once you areReview your Housing Options•North Village: Following instructions sent via email to paythe $250 pre-payment to complete your application. If youneed a deferment for the $250 pre-payment, please see“North Village Forms” below.•Hornet Commons: Follow instructions to complete yourapplication, pay application fee, and sign a lease.Check Your Application StatusStudents will be notified when they have a confirmed housingspace in North Village or when their Hornet Commons lease iscounter-signed. You can refer back to your application for yourApplication Status at any time. It is important to check your SacState email often.Visit Housing Options Page to learn more about room types andbuildings. First-year students will reside in North Village. Upperdivision and Transfer students will reside in North Village or HornetCommons.Meal Plans are required in North Village and are optional in HornetCommons. Read more information about the Meal Plan options.MONDAY- FRIDAY, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PMLOCATED IN RIVERVIEW HALLAPPLYReview your Meal Plan Options3
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