iM3 | The Global Name in Veterinary DentistryDIGITAL EDITIONWelcome to the Digital Edition of the iM3 Catalogue forAustralia and Asia. The environmentally friendly DigitalEdition combines the natural browsing experienceof leafing through a catalogue with all the modernconvenience of the digital age. View the different categoriesfrom Preventative Treatment to Advanced Dentistry, orjump directly to the products you are interested in byusing the search and overview options in the top bar.Bookmark your favourite products and copy links to sharewith colleagues. As you browse, you’ll find useful linksand product videos that you can watch right there on thepage. The Digital Edition works great on desktop, mobileand tablet, and because it’s digital we’re able to constantlyupdate it with all the latest and greatest iM3 products andnew innovations.07DENTAL UNITS02HANDINSTRUMENTS08DENTALFURNITURE03ACCESSORIES09DENTAL X-RAY04CONSUMABLES10ADVANCEDDENTISTRY05HANDPIECES11EDUCATION06SCALERS &MICROMOTORS12SERVICESiM3 INNOVATIONHere at iM3 we pride ourselves on continuingto build, create and innovate our products tosuit veterinary clinics across the globe. Withknowledge from over 30 years experience in the industry,many of the iM3 products are designed by our staff, with thehelp of leading industry experts to ensure they are practical,ergonomic, durable and cutting-edge, while providing thevery best results for both you and your patients.The iM3 Innovation logo in our catalogue highlights whichproducts are designed by iM3 specifically for veterinarians,and are therefore exclusively sold through us. iM3 will alwayscontinue to innovate and advance the veterinary dentistryindustry through quality products, equipment and service.TABLE OF CONTENTS01PREVENTATIVETREATMENTREDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLEiM3 is shifting from plastics toeco-friendly paper and cardboardpackaging, utilizing recycledmaterials and a more sustainableproduction process. This reducesnatural resource consumption andthe company's carbon footprint.
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