St Ives-a new millennium4/10/023:43 pmPage 27Left: Muriel & Bill MoorePhoto: George Dellar/Canon EOSMuriel (Deer) and Bill live over the well-knowntobacconist and confectionery shop in theBroadway. Muriel’s father, Ted, took over theshop in 1930 and on his retirement in 1969Muriel and her mother ran the business untilshe too retired.Bill, born in Tipperary, served in the RAF atWyton as Traffic Controller. He met Muriel overa cup of tea when she visited Wyton on SportsDay, and they married in 1951. Together theystill run the shop but have now stopped thepaper round. In 2000 they celebrated theshop’s 70th year in the family.Right: St Ives & Huntingdon TwirlersPhoto: George Dellar/Canon EOS600Formed in 1980 as the St Ives Majorettes theyjoined forces with Huntingdon in 1999. In theNational Finals in 2000 at Rye, Charlote Georgewas selected to become a colour guard toattend all the Federation’s functions, and thegirls won several trophies.The troop is managed by Carol Levins andtrained by Charlote.Page 27
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