the educator mag May 24 (1) - Flipbook - Page 26
AI Solutions
to Navigate
John Kleeman, Executive Vice President of Learnosity, the world’s
leading online assessment provider, discusses how AI-powered
tools can help address the challenges facing teachers
As the old phrase goes, the one thing that can be relied on
in the world is change, and AI might be one of the biggest
changes we’ve seen societally since the internet. As such, it’s
turning heads in all sectors, including education, and leaving
many experts wondering what it means in the long run for
learning, training and teaching.
The survey showed teachers and school leaders are
working longer hours, with 36% saying they were
considering quitting teaching, compared with 25% in 2022.
The DfE also surveyed those who left teaching, with 63%
citing pay as the primary reason for leaving the sector, closely
followed by stress and high workload as contributing factors.
It’s safe to say that the impact that AI and education will have
on each other in the coming years will be an intricate dance
of cat-and-mouse, of managing risk while also pushing the
needle of success for both learners and teachers. This exciting
future, of course, hinges on the irreplaceable role of teachers.
However, the challenges currently posed by those in the
profession are concerning. Teachers across the UK are being
put under immense pressure, with many often overburdened
and under-resourced, as evidenced by the possible teacher
strikes occurring in the UK this September.
The challenge, then, is bridging this gap of teaching staff
being under-resourced and thus, overworked, with the need
and desire to deliver the best quality teaching possible.
The Department for Education surveyed 10,000 teachers in
England in 2023, to shed light on the difficulties being faced
by the industry.
Enter AI technology. The potential of AI-powered tools to
become a powerful part of a teacher’s arsenal in navigating
these sorts of challenges cannot be overlooked.
By harnessing the capabilities of AI, the time-consuming
tasks, including item bank building, marking and scoring,
and giving feedback can all potentially be completed more
quickly and easily, freeing up precious time for teachers to
focus on what truly matters – the human elements of
teaching the next generation.