Bertarelli-Annual-Report-2023-R9-low (1) - Flipbook - Page 26
A c A d e m I c e x c e l l e n c e T h AT d r I v e s r e A l - W o r l d I m pA c T
Antoine Duvauchelle
Lecturer at INSEAD and co-creator
of the LiveCase concept
As usual, our professors’ and researchers’
wide range of publications in 2023–2024
includes: books for the general public,
students and academics; articles in journals
for both researchers and practitioners;
pedagogical case studies; individual chapters
in books; and working papers (which often
turn into articles). INSEAD publishes its own
case studies and working papers.
I N S E A D A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 0 2 3–2 0 2 4
and Teaching
Ithai Stern
Professor of Strategy; Akzo Nobel
Fellow of Strategic Management,
Academic Director of the VR Immersive
Learning Initiative and winner of the
prestigious Educational Impact Award
for 2023 from the Strategic
Management Society
This year we’re particularly proud to announce
the launch of INSEAD LiveCases: interactive,
real-time simulations that use AI to create
hands-on experiences in a safe, gami昀椀ed
space. Another innovation in which INSEAD
already leads the world is VR Immersive
Learning. We now have a library of around 25
case studies using virtual-reality headsets to
bring learning to life in the classroom.