Solomon's Treasure SOURCEBOOK - Book - Page 26
quios. Duarte Barbosa, who wrote a geographical
bordering on the Indian
Ocean and those within range of the ocean, has this
account of the countries
to say of the Ryukyu inhabitants:
From Malaca they take the same goods as the Chins [Chi
nese] take. These islands are called Lequios [in one version
‘Liquii']. The Malaca people say that they are better men,
and richer and more eminent merchants than the Chins. Of
these folk we as yet know but little, as they have not yet
come to Malaca since it has been under the King our
The Duarte
Barbosa who wrote this book has
been identified by some with the Portuguese of the
same name who became Magellan's cousin by mar
riage and accompanied
him on his great voyage.
Medina has shown that this was probably not the
same man, but it makes little difference.” The Bar
bosa book was finished by 1516 and was available in
manuscript to Magellan as he studied to complete
his plan in Portugal before transferring allegiance
to Spain. Magellan digested Barbosa's work and with
his own hand rewrote one passage, which consisted
of a list of places between the Cape of Good Hope
and the Lequios that were known but not yet oc
cupied by the Portuguese. Magellan's version sub
stitutes for Barbosa's “Lequios” the words “Tarsis”
and “Ofir.””
NOTE: Nowell is clearly ignoring Pigafetta located the Lequios as well as several others. They are found on Luzon
Island and not Taiwan nor Japan which even in his own book
flies in the face of that which he quotes. The Lequios or Lucoes or Lequii of Luzon are called Iloconos from Ilocos and
they call their elder males Laki and their males Lalaki. This
is a no-brainer when one chooses not to ignore the Philippines as Nowell and most authors seem stuck in such false
These are, of course, the biblical Tarshish and
“And the navy also
Ophir associated with Solomon and his trading part
ner, Hiram of Tyre. In I Kings 10:11 the statement
Hiram, that brought gold
nowell’s source
Nowell’s source is out of print but the University of Illinois and
University of Michigan allow Limited Search of v. 31 through
Hathi Trust Digital Library of the text only of this publishing
which affirms on P. 438 the words Nowell is quoting. Here are
examples: (
Note: All 4 of Nowell’s sources listed here.
148. “Magellan’s voyage around the world; three contemporary accounts [by] Antonio Pigafetta, Maximilian
of Transylvania [and] Gaspar Correa.” Charles E. Nowell. 1962, Northwestern University Press. P. 20. Citing
Livro de Duarte Barbosa, 1516.