25MANITOBA’S TOP EMPLOYERS (2025) SPONSOR CONTENT100%100%80%$of employees say they likeworking thereemployer-paid health plan,with family coverageof senior leaders are womenhealth spending accountannuallyemployees to schedule necessaryto-dos like home maintenance,self-care and appointments on aweekday without worrying aboutthe impact on work.Chudobiak is gratified to seethat, after five years, EfficiencyManitoba still has the cooperative, nimble, can-do cultureshe and her colleagues aimedfor from the start. The provincialgovernment expanded EfficiencyManitoba’s mandate last spring,and the organization is designingand implementing the addedresponsibilities and continuingits valuable work for and withManitobans.“We’ve hired everyone for whatthey bring to the table and howthey fit into the team,” she says.“It’s pretty incredible what smart,hard-working, dedicated peoplecan do individually and togetherwhen they put their minds andhearts to it.” Employees at Efficiency Manitoba support energy-use reductions through innovative policies and incentives.PROUD TO BE RECOGNIZEDAS A GREAT PLACE TO WORKLearn more at efficiencyMB.ca/careers.750
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