Annual Report 2023 (eng) - Flipbook - Side 25
the median salary, the salary for all employees is
converted into a full-time salary.
Sickness absence
Calculated as the number of sick days, including
days off to care for a sick child, per FTE.
Employee turnover rate
Calculated as the number of resignations in
relation to the total workforce. The total work
force is defined as all employees minus
temporary employees and hourly workers.
Governance - management data
Gender diversity on the Board of Directors
Calculated as the number of female board
members in relation to the company’s total
number of board members. The figure is
calculated at the end of the year.
Attendance at board meetings
The figure shows attendance of board members
at meetings in the individual years in relation to
the maximum attendance possible. Meetings
include board meetings, board seminars and
meetings of sub-committees set up by the Board
of Directors.
Pay gap between the CEO and employees
Calculated as the ratio between the salary paid
to the company’s CEO and the median salary
paid to the company’s employees. When
calculating the median salary, the salary for all
employees is converted into a full-time salary.